(last updated on Feb 3, 2008 by an Oregon Center Quanyin Practitioner )
This is the extra help note for you after reading the guide from web page https://g25smtvfinder.tripod.com/index.htm but still can not get the signal.
Following are 8 satellites fly within +/- 4 degree with sat Galaxy 25:
93.0°W Galaxy 26
95.0°W Galaxy 3C
95.0°W Spaceway
97.0°W Galaxy 25 (SMTV)
99.0°W Galaxy 16
99.2°W Spaceway 2
101.0°W DirecTV 4S/8
101.0°W AMC 4
If you go to web web http://www.lyngsat.com/america.html you will see within +/- 4 degree there are total of 8 satellites flying around the equator synchronizing with the earth rotating direction, therefore if you stand still (or rotating the dish) looking at a satellites then your position relate to the sat seem as a fixed point , your purpose is to rotate the dish toward the right direction of Galaxy 25.
If your error is +/- 4 degree, then even your “comercial” sat finder (or S signal in SV-4000) signal shows that you obtain 100% on S level but the chance that you can locate Galaxy25, SMTV is ony 15%.
Same as that if your error is +/- 10 degree ( there are 26 satellites fly in this range) and your sat finder said your S signal is 100% but the chance you can get SMTV is 1/26 that is only 4%.
Same as that your error is +/- 30 degree and even your sat finder said that the S signal is 100% then the chance for you to catch SMTV is only 1%.
Your present problem is your “comercial” sat finder indicates that you got S signal very good (and that make you think that you are rotating the dish toward the Galaxy 25 however you are aiming a different satellite) then you try to fine tune around this wrong satellite for hours and of course you do not get the real signal (Q value of SV-4000) of SMTV. When you understand thoroughly your work will yield a better fruit. This document will help you to over come the wrongfully thought that you frequently face. This doc will help you to understand before to get into action. If you use 30 minutes to understand this article then you only need 30 minutes of labors and you can get the signal of SMTV otherwise if you go by chances it could take you months and not guaranty that you can get SMTV signal.
Many friends complained to me that they have an expensive sat finder which report a good signal, the S value of SV-4000 report the same how come they try to fine tune it and they did not get Q signal? The question means that they think they located the right sat but they can not locate the channel they want to get. The simple answer is do they actually aiming the other satellite instead that aiming at the Galaxy 25 which is the Sat that they want.
To shoot a rocket to the moon the scientist can not get to the goal simply aim right at it and shoot once to get to the goal but they get to the goal by knowing the error and from there to fine tune it. With that same thought you should not think that you get the right satellite and go find the Q signal but you must think backward that you have located one of those satellites and now use Q signal to verify whether or not the located sat which you aimed is Galaxy 25? otherwise you must rotate to the next satellite and continue. That is why I wrote in the guide that when you got the S signal you must mark the adjustment screw so that you know what area you have tested so that you do not have to test again. You must understand completely the principle of error to tune to the right one otherwise you will continue to tune to the sat that you do not want to see and will cost you a lot of time. You must remember that you may have a very good S value but the chance for you to aim to the right Galaxy 25 is very small.
English notes for the following figures:
Figure 1: The pole perpendicular, S value good for 1 Satellite will be good for all.
Figure 2: The pole is not perpendicular, S value good for only one Satellite
Figure 3: The pole is incline position we must rotate many ways to get satellite Galaxy 25 of SMTV.
Note:The Pink dot represent Sat Galaxy 25 contain transponder 11716 has the carrier waves of SMTV
This section will show
you a way to rotate the dish effectively, for example there are 5 satellites
standing (relative to your reference point on the earth) around 97 degree W,
imaging you are lined up correctly with Galaxy 25 (middle, Figure 1 sat #3) and
then you rotate a dish back and forth as figure 1, if
rotated line right ON sat 1,2,4,5 you should have a strong signal (S) on SV-4000
however whatever you do fine tune you never see Q signal,
if rotated line in between 2 sat you NEITHER see S or Q,
if rotated line is ON sat #3 you have BOTH S and Q and then you will have
a very strong signals after fine tune.
Now observe Figure 3, assume that you are at the middle line (Red), because rotated line passed through Sat 1 only so even you have a very high S signal but whatever you rotate left right you still can not get Q signal. You MUST also move UP and DOWN so your rotated line hopefully pass the Galaxy 25, when passing Galaxy 25 you should see Q increase a few values
If your pole is perpendicular with ground surface and if you are in Portland so you rotate the dish left right around 130 degree and up down around 30 degree, assume you have a strong S signal from sat #1, what you need is you rotate left right slowly +/- 10 degree you SHOULD see Q signal as Figure 1.
However your pole is NOT perpendicular perfectly (Fig #3), assume you have a strong signal of Sat 1 but you NEVER get Q even you rotate left right very slow as Fig 2, assume you are at Portland, to fix problem you have to rotate left right at least 5 lines +/- 20 degree (110 - 150 degree) each line is 2 degree far Up/Down (20-40 degree up down) as figure 3
How I know that my pole is NOT perpendicular? if your pole is perpendicular perfectly you will have MANY "S" signals within +/- 20 degree, if NOT you will have ONLY ONE "S" signal and whatever you rotate you never see Q signal.
If your pole is relatively perpendicular then you rotate 5 lines SLOWLY as Figure 3 you SHOULD see Q signal. Currently millions machines are getting signals from Galaxy 25, it EXISTS, it is there.
If you still can not get Q signal then please check the following:
1) are your receiver configured with a correct transponder as shown in guide ? (11716/22000/Ver/[1/2])
2) are you use a correct LINEAR LNB (LO frequency 10750 MHZ) (LO Freq = Local Oscillation Frequency)
3) Is the cable from LNB to Receiver the RG-6 or RG-6U type ( RG-59 is NOT qualified)
4) Is your pole relatively perpendicular ? if not use level bar to correct it.
5) Do you place the TV ON FRONT of you to watch the signal DIRECTLY ?
6) Do you start up with a relavely correctt angles ?
7) Read and fully understand this guide before get up to the roof to save your time
by a practitioner of Oregon Center Feb 3, 2008
Vietnamese Version: https://g25smtvfinder.tripod.com/WhyItDoesnotWorkViet.htm